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Problem Solving Strategies Requires Knowing the Problem
Problem Solving Strategies Requires Knowing the Problem Getting Things Done
April 12, 2016

Problem Solving Strategies Requires Knowing the Problem

You can't effectively implement any problem-solving strategies unless you know the problem. Every industry has it's way of keeping a problem from being solved; moving targets, feature creep, change of scope. It is the fastest way to de-rail or outspend your ability to solve the problems. That's not saying your problem can't change but you have to handle things more…
Walking the GTD Highway
Walking the GTD Highway Getting Things Done
February 11, 2007

Walking the GTD Highway

My wife, Robin, and I recently attended ('s ( and were thoroughly impressed. With David's vibrant demeanor and eight hours of digging into our own psyche a lot can be uncovered. If you've ever been interested in attending a seminar or knowing more of what the Allen group is like this article is for you.