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Andy Ciordia

A great fan of the world who needs to set aside a moment to bio myself.

Walking the GTD Highway
Getting Things Done
February 11, 2007

Walking the GTD Highway

My wife, Robin, and I recently attended ('s ( and were thoroughly impressed. With David's vibrant demeanor and eight hours of digging into our own psyche a lot can be uncovered. If you've ever been interested in attending a seminar or knowing more of what the Allen group is like this article is for you.
How Trusted is Your System?
Getting Things Done
January 17, 2007

How Trusted is Your System?

My mind, probably like many of yours, thinks bed-time is the most opportune time to think about things. Who needs sleep, lets worry about what you didn't do today or have to do tomorrow. What this really translates into is that my organization systems are leaking again. Are yours?