As I laid down to sleep last night I found my thoughts crystal clear. ..sigh..

The disconnect occurs because I am a digital creature and do not enjoy a 100% paper based system. I’ve tried it and it just doesn’t mesh well with the way I flow. I am a note card user because I like to doodle around my thoughts adding extra metadata that no device does yet. My love for paper pretty much ends there. I like technology. It’s so ubiquitous in my environment that I should be able to have my world served to me through it. It’s not though, which means what technology I do use isn’t perfect and when you hit your head on the wall enough you ignore it.
That’s the crux. Once you find yourself using a system with distaste you will eventually stop using it in favor of keeping it in your head. Unfortunately your head is not like a database or a search engine. The conscious mind for most of us releases what it wants us to know on it’s schedule until you train it otherwise by showing it how much better an alternative can be.
As much as I’ve looked, I can’t find a system that works for me. What do you use?
I used to use my palm based phone.
It was small, I was fast enough with palmscript to be able to enter in recipies, to do lists, contacts, and calendars.
But they don’t make a palm phone small enough for me now. I wonder if the iPhone will fit the bill…
I think it’s easier for me because I’m fairly text based, and not as likely to need to diagram to gather my thoughts.