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ArticlesInquisitive minds finding solutions from productivity to marketing

GTD and Interface Design
January 24, 2007

GTD and Interface Design

When I first sat down to think about the interface for Liquid Minded, I wrote in my Moleskine, “The interface needs to embrace and reflect GTD.” That was a few short months ago. Little did I know at the time that this seemingly simple vision would become the rule by which every design decision for this product (and others) would…
We’ve Chosen a Name
January 23, 2007

We’ve Chosen a Name

With this post, we at Nuance Labs are proud to take the first step (of many) in exposing our new GTD web service to you, our future users. Rather than post some long drivel about the significance of a name, I'll lean on Walt Whitman for some inspiration: I was asking for something specific and perfect for my city, Whereupon,…
How Trusted is Your System?
Getting Things Done
January 17, 2007

How Trusted is Your System?

My mind, probably like many of yours, thinks bed-time is the most opportune time to think about things. Who needs sleep, lets worry about what you didn't do today or have to do tomorrow. What this really translates into is that my organization systems are leaking again. Are yours?
Embrace Your Inner Race Horse
Getting Things Done
January 16, 2007

Embrace Your Inner Race Horse

I'm not a big horse guy. I don't know much about them because, well, they don't excite me; I'm a geek, I like science fiction and video games! But, as I was thinking through my practice of GTD, looking for the reasons I've strayed from the path, I was struck with a horse analogy. Strange, right? The Value of Blinders…
In the Beginning, There Was a Mantra.
January 14, 2007

In the Beginning, There Was a Mantra.

If you're anything like me, when you read the typical corporate mission statement, your eyes glaze over and some random tune starts playing through your head (usually some song I hate, like Justin Timberlake.) They are long, drawn out, and, like every bit of prose engineered to be politically correct, totally bland and uninspiring. I've always struggled with the idea.…